

The Diversion program is for first time offenders of non-traffic offenses. It is an agreement offered by the prosecutor's office, and approved by a judge where a guilty plea is entered, held in abeyance and eventually dismissed upon completion of specific terms set by the Probation Division. The goal of the Diversion program is to reduce the incidence of recidivism and divert first time offenders out of the justice system while provided resources to reduce their risk to reoffend.


Probation is a program available for individuals with past criminal histories or those individuals convicted after a trial. The Probation Division recommends a specific set of terms to the Judge. Once approved, the case is held in a probationary status for a set period. The case is closed upon successful completion of the program.


The Probation Division offers a variety of programs for justice and non-justice involved community members.  The majority of the programs are for individuals that are supervised by the Probation Division.  However, there are some programs that are open to the public to provide opportunity and resources to the community as a whole.

Probation Forms

Monthly Report-In

Update Contact Information

Affidavit of Indigency - Adult

Affidavit of Indigency - Juvenile 

Contact Information:

445 S. Allison Parkway
Lakewood, CO 80226
Phone: 303-987-7699
Fax: 303-987-7470
TDD: 303-987-7057
Hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday through Friday