Public Records Request

PLEASE NOTE: Any CORA request received after 4 p.m. or any day the City is officially closed will be considered received on the following business day.

Public Records Request Online Process

Step 1.Review the Fee Schedule

Fees may apply to records requests. Please see our Fee Schedule(PDF, 157KB) for details.

Step 2.Submit a Request with Our Form

To inspect a city record, fill out a public records request form. Be as specific as possible about the record(s) you are seeking.

Online Public Records Request Form

Step 3.Await City Clerk Staff response with determination of fees or the records you requested.

Public Records Request PDF Form

Step 1.Review the Fee Schedule

Fees may apply to records requests. Please see our Fee Schedule(PDF, 157KB) for details.

Step 2.Download the fillable PDF form

PDF Public Records Request Form(PDF, 304KB)

Step 3.Complete the form and save it


Step 4.Submit the form by email or fax

Please email the completed form to or fax to 303-987-7088


The city of Lakewood is committed to providing the public with convenient access to information about city operations.

The City Clerk’s Office is the official contact for requesting public records not provided on this website. The city provides public records according to the Colorado Open Records Act requirements. 


Administrative Regulation - Access to Public Records and Electronic Communication Systems(PDF, 215KB)