Fireworks Prohibited in Lakewood
All fireworks are illegal in Lakewood
By Lakewood city ordinance, all fireworks are prohibited except professional displays. This includes items like sparklers, Roman candles and smoke bombs. Fines for illegal fireworks can reach $2,650.
To report illegal fireworks in progress: 303-980-7340
Call Lakewood Police/Jeffcom for non-emergency reports: 303-980-7340
Please do not use 9-1-1 to report fireworks, except in urgent cases of injury or fire that threaten life and property. If you have additional questions about firework safety, please contact West Metro Fire Rescue, 303-989-4307. Dispose of unwanted fireworks at any West Metro Fire Rescue station.
Help map illegal fireworks
Visit our Lakewood Together page, where you can drop a pin to show where you're hearing or seeing illegal fireworks activity. Placing a pin does not dispatch a police agent to the location, but helps locate areas for future education and enforcement efforts.
Message from Lakewood Police Chief Dan McCaskey and West Metro Fire Chief Don Lombardi
Fireworks & Your Pets
Fireworks can be disturbing to some animals. Here are some tips from Lakewood Animal Control:
Dogs can jump fences when startled by fireworks, even if they have never jumped one before. Keep your pet in a quiet and secure location during fireworks.
Make sure your pet's ID is current. Dogs' identification tags should have current information in case they get away.
Keep pets indoors during fireworks. Closing curtains, turning on the TV or radio, or keeping your pet in a carrier may provide them a distraction and sense of security during these noisy celebrations.
If you must be outside with your pet, keep them on a leash or in a carrier at all times.