Educational nature programs are available through Lakewood Parks for schools, preschools, homeschools, daycares, senior assisted living centers and boy or girl scouts.
Early Childhood-Kindergarten
Seasonal Shifts- just like we dress and behave differently during different times of year, animals do too! Join our Naturalists to learn about how animals change to adapt to the seasons.
Discovering Senses- Let's learn about our senses and how we can use them, just like animals, to learn about our environment.
Cycles of Life- Choose your own adventure! There are many cyclical processes in nature and changes that animals go through during their life. Choose between butterflies, bees, or frogs for your lesson.
Animal Homes- Where do birds go to sleep at night? Who do bees build their hives? We will investigate the many types of homes animals construct and take a look at some too!
First to Fifth Grade
Nature's Engineer- Beavers are amazing creatures who help shape the world around us. Learn about the adaptations beavers have and the role they play in our ecosystems.
Beautiful Bat- Learn about these flying creatures of the night and play games to test your own echolocation skills!
All Bodies Grow, All Bodies Change- A nature based, body positive, talk about growth with examples about metamorphosis, seasonal color changes, being born without feathers and other ways the bodies of animals change throughout their life.
Build a Raptor — Birds are found all around us, but what sets this group of feathered friends apart from the rest? Join our Naturalist to learn what makes these predators on wings successful.
When Nature Runs Out — Animals and humans have lived side by side for generations. But what happens when there are not enough resources to go around? Take a deep dive into interactions between humans and bears.
Amphibian: Frogs vs. Toads — What is that under the log? A frog or toad? Learn about amphibians and how they survive throughout the year in Colorado.
Fifth to Eighth Grade
Animal Signs — Become a habitat detective and investigate the park! Learn about animals from the evidence they leave behind. (Includes edible activity)
Circle of Life — How does energy move through an ecosystem? We will take a deep dive into predator and prey dynamics, trophic levels, and the relationships that exist to keep an ecosystem balanced.
Where's the Water? — In Colorado, many of our plants and animals have adapted to handle dry, hot conditions. Join our Naturalists to uncover how our native flora and fauna survive in this climate.
High School
Careers in the Outdoors — This program is designed to introduce students to the expanse of careers that exist in the outdoors. Led by our Naturalists, students will have the opportunity to hear about everything from research to maintenance to being a ranger and more!
Fire Ecology — Fire plays a vital role in many of our ecosystems in the US. Learn how plants and animals have adapted to this challenge, the benefits of fire, and how fire is currently being managed along the front range.
All Ages
Close Encounters — What happens when you encounter wildlife while out on the trail? How do we stay safe and stay SMART? Join our Naturalist to learn more about wildlife safety and learn a bit about who you might run into!
Animal Adaptations — Animals are all built differently to help them survive. Learn how Colorado animals have adapted to be successful. Our Naturalists will use skins and skulls to bring the learning to the next level.
Who Is My Neighbor? A wide variety of animals call the front range home. Learn about common animals you might see just in your backyard!
Outdoor Survival — Do you have what it takes to spend a night in the outdoors? Our Naturalists will teach you all the tips and tricks you might need to be successful in the backcountry.
Nature's Bills and Beaks — Discover the difference between raptors, songbirds, shorebirds, and other feathered friends of the front range. Explore the adaptations these birds have in relation to their habitat and food preference.
Problem Based Learning (PBL) — Please contact us to see how we can support your class through their PBL project this year.