

Camp Registration

Register for camps 

Camps Guide

Camps will be posted on during the last week of January.

Registration for camps is now open.

Camps are offered year-round. Summer camp registration will take place Feb. 18 for residents and Feb. 20 for nonresidents.

Camps Guide


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The City of Lakewood offers camps for kids and teens throughout the year. Summer camp registration takes place in February with the guide posted online and available in facilities in late January. To expedite your registration, please create an account at and log in to confirm your residency prior to registration day.

Registration: Register in-person, online at or via phone at 303-987-7800.  To prepare for registration, please confirm you have set up an account in our online system at

Financial assistance: Available via the Lakewood Possibilities Fund.  


Spring Break Camps

The city offers fun camps to keep kids busy over spring break.

View Current Camps List

Camps typically offered:

  • Create Art!
  • Dance
  • History
  • Magic
  • Before and After Camp Studios

Recreation and Sports

  • Challenge (climbing, gymnastics, ninja)


Summer Camps 

Make summer fun! Kids and teens can take part in a variety of annual summer camps, including arts, dance, history, outdoors, sports and STEM. In February, register online at or by phone at 303-987-5400. View the catalog online or pick up a copy at any Lakewood arts, parks and recreation facility in late January. 

If you have a disability and need an alternative format of this publication, email or call 303-987-7746.

Family Services Summer Day Camps 

Youth sail on a boat during Camp Eco.Lakewood Family Services offers interactive, fun and educational full-day summer camps for kids. These camps are offered to City of Lakewood residents only. Registration opens in February.

Camper days will be filled with engaging arts and crafts projects, field trips and outdoor activities at the city's facilities and parks. 

As the summer session approaches, parents of registered children will receive an email to select the days and weeks for their child to attend.

Camp Descriptions

Camp Galaxy

For children ages 5-6

A day camp which will provide plenty of exciting and fun arts and crafts projects all summer long. There will be swimming at Lakewood Recreation Centers and many other sports related programs. Opportunities to visit the Heritage Cultural and Arts Center and participate in Lakewood community events will also be included. Field trips will be determined during the summer.

Camp Odyssey

For children ages 7-9

Camp Odyssey is an interactive, fun and educational camp. Children will get to experience arts and crafts, community projects and recreational activities. Field trips will be determined during the summer.

Camp E.C.O. 

For youth ages 10-12

Camp E.C.O. will provide a safe, fun environment where kids can participate in many outdoor experiences. There will be opportunities to participate in fun activities at the City of Lakewood Recreation Centers such as swimming, organized sports leagues/games and using the climbing wall. Field trips will be determined during the summer.




How to Register:

Galaxy, E.C.O. and Odyssey

These camps are offered to City of Lakewood residents only.

Registration instructions:

Registration opens in February

There is a $60 non-refundable registration fee per child due at the time of registration. Follow the instructions below.

#1: Pay the $60 registration fee.

Use the registration link below to pay the fee. Payment cannot be made before this time.

Registration fee payment

 #2: A link will be emailed to you to complete the registration packet for each camper after the fee has been paid.


Contact Us

If you have questions or require more information, please contact Family Services

Fall and Winter Break Camps

The city offers fun camps to keep kids busy over fall and winter breaks. View all camps via the button below.

View Current Camps List

Types of Camps Typically Offered:

  • Create Art!
  • Dance
  • Before and After Camp Studios 

Recreation and Sports

  • Challenge (climbing, gymnastics, ninja) 

Camp Paha

Lakewood Therapeutic Recreation offers Camp Paha, a summer day program options for individuals ages 6-25 with disabilities.

Camp Paha is held for seven weeks, typically mid-June through the end of July (with half-summer options available). The program runs 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Monday-Friday. The staff to participant ratio is 1:4.

For details and registration instructions, visit


Interested in working for Camp Paha?

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Counselor in Training (CIT)

CIT Program

Become a Counselor in Training (CIT)! The CIT program is the first step in the transition from camper to staff member. Teens will gain valuable work experience while developing communication, problem solving, teamwork and leadership skills.

Upon completion of the training course, teens will be placed into three weeks of field experience of their choice at our various camps between June and August. Field Experience will be selected during training. Participants may register for additional weeks of field experience upon invitation by that camp's director.
Ages: 13-15

How to apply

Enrollment into this program is a competitive application process that may be followed up with a brief interview. Complete an application online at You will be notified how to register once accepted into the program.


Be a part of our team! View a current list of available part-time and seasonal job openings via the link below.

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