Stormwater Frequently Asked Questions


Why did the City of Lakewood change my billing date?

Previously, our customers received their stormwater bills at different times of the year depending on where they lived in the city. Now, all City of Lakewood stormwater customers will receive their bill at the same time in January each year. By switching the billing schedule, the City of Lakewood strives to simplify the billing process for customers, increase the efficiency of City staff, and ensure equity citywide.

  • Changing the billing date simplifies the process for our residents by making it easier to know when to expect your bill each year—no more surprises!
  • It increases efficiency by allowing the Finance Department to send all bills to our customers at once. This helps streamline processing, which saves time, money, and staff resources so that we can better serve you.
  • It also ensures equity citywide. Customers may move around our city during the year or from year to year. Because the previous process sent bills at different times of the year based on geographic location, this increased the risk of accidentally missing a bill, not knowing when to expect it, or accumulating late fees. By switching the billing date so that all customers are billed in January, the City of Lakewood strives to ensure equity, making it easier for all residents to know when to expect their bill.

How much is my stormwater management utility charge?

All property owners will receive their annual bill late in January 2024.  Single-family and duplex homeowners will receive an annual bill of $56.88.  Property owners will have 90 days to pay their bill.  

All other property owners in Lakewood, including townhomes, city and other government buildings and nonprofit organizations, will be billed annually based on $4.74 per month for every 2,250 square feet of impervious area on the property.  For example, a large, big box store with 481,600 square feet of impervious area will receive a bill of $12,174.85 (481,600/2250 = 214 x $4.74 = $1,014.57 per month x 12 months = annual bill of $12,174.85).   

I paid my stormwater bill just a few months ago. Why do I have to pay for it now?

Starting in 2024, all property owners are billed for stormwater in January; bills will be due on April 15. Previously, a portion of residents were billed each month with 30 days to pay.

What is stormwater?

Stormwater is rain or melting snow that doesn’t soak into the ground and runs off hard surfaces such as driveways, roofs, parking lots, sidewalks, and patios. Rather than soaking into the soil, stormwater quickly funnels through the storm drainage systems directly to streams, rivers, and lakes.


Why is stormwater management important and what does the charge pay for?

Runoff from storms enters the city’s stormwater drainage system consisting of 18 major drainageways or gulches running west to east through Lakewood as well as miles of ditches and underground pipes and culverts. Managing, maintaining and improving this drainage system is done to prevent and reduce flooding in the city.  

The stormwater management utility charge pays to accomplish the following: 

  • Protect lives and the environment.
  • Decrease the frequency and severity of flooding.
  • Reduce damage to homes, businesses and private property.
  • Protect streets, parks, trails and other community assets that can affect everyone if damaged or destroyed by flooding.
  • Improve water quality, protect the aquatic environment, monitor water quality and resolve pollution issues.
  • Fund improvements and replace aging or deteriorated parts of the drainage system.
  • Respond in an emergency to street and drainageway flooding during and after significant storm events. 

How does the charge for stormwater benefit me?

Flooding can affect everyone if roads are blocked or damaged, hindering local traffic and emergency response vehicles. It can also occur in areas where there are no flood plains, low-lying areas, or drainage gulches. 

Reducing flooding and its impacts contribute to the quality of life in Lakewood and to the safety of the community by preventing injury or deaths and by providing peace of mind to residents and businesses through the reduction or elimination of flooding. It also benefits everyone in these ways: 

  • Effective stormwater management provides environmental, social, and economic benefits. When stormwater management is done properly, streams, rivers, and lakes are cleaner; flood risks are reduced; costs due to flood damage decrease; and the community’s quality of life increases.  
  • Without maintenance, many drainage facilities lose their capacity to handle the amount of water for which they were designed. 
  • Debris and pollutants are washed into the drainage system where it decreases the capacity of flow and destroys aquatic ecosystems. 

Do any other water or sewer districts in the Lakewood area collect stormwater fees?

No, because those districts don't manage stormwater runoff. However, numerous other cities in the metro area and region, have a stormwater charge because it is a main funding source for maintenance and improvements to aging stormwater systems. Lakewood’s City Council created the Stormwater Management Utility in 2000 for maintaining the drainage system, building drainage improvements and meeting federal requirements for stormwater quality.


Is a stormwater system the same as a sewer system?

Stormwater is rain and snow melt that flows through downspouts and driveways of homes and businesses into gutters in the streets and into a storm drain, then down into pipes under the street that carry the water directly to streams, rivers, and lakes. 

Sewage is wastewater from toilets, sinks, washing machines, and dishwashers that leave homes and businesses in pipes that drain into the community’s sewer system that goes to a wastewater treatment plant or system.  

Graphic of a neighborhood with houses and a street with stormdrains and water

Who is required to pay Stormwater Management Utility Charge?

Every property owner in Lakewood must pay the once-a-year stormwater utility service charge.


Should I be receiving more than one bill from Lakewood? How do I know what type of bill I am receiving?

The City of Lakewood provides stormwater services to all Lakewood residents, and every property owner receives a stormwater bill. Lakewood also provides water or sewer services to a small portion of Lakewood residents. Given that, some residents receive a water and a stormwater bill from Lakewood, and for others, they receive a Lakewood sewer and a Lakewood stormwater bill. There are also some residents who receive water, sewer and stormwater bills from Lakewood. For all of those residents, however, they will also receive an annual stormwater bill every January starting 2024, but their Lakewood water or sewer bills come every two months. Each bill will clearly state what the bill is for. If it is unclear, an account number that begins with 1 indicates it is a stormwater bill, and an account number that begins with a 2 is either a water or sewer bill.


How do I pay my bill?

There are four ways to pay: 

  1. Make a one-time payment at using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox as the browser. All that is needed is a customer number and an account number, which can be found on the bill.  
  2. Register for an online account to make a payment, set up auto payments, check the account balance, and see statements. 
  3. Mail a payment: 

PO BOX 17505 
DENVER, CO 80217 

4. Pay in person at 480 S. Allison Parkway between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday-Friday, except holidays. Cash or check is accepted, and credit cards can be used at the customer computer to make an online payment. 

How do I submit a request to have the stormwater drains near me cleaned?

Please visit the city’s online customer service hub at Scroll down to click on "Stormwater and Drainage,” then select “Report a Drainage Problem.”

My house and neighborhood don’t have flooding problems, so why don’t the residents who live in low-lying areas or near gulches just pay for the drainage improvements?

Every property has stormwater runoff that flows into the drainage system, which must be maintained and improved to reduce or eliminate flooding that can affect everyone. The driveways, parking lots, and roofs in every part of the city contribute to runoff from storms. It is most equitable to have all developed properties pay a charge that is proportional to an approximation of the amount of water running off each property.

What happens when the stormwater management utility charge isn’t paid?

The following charges can be applied, and delinquent bills can result in placing a lien on the property.

Type of Fee  Amount
Delinquent Billing Fee 5% per month on the past due balance, not to exceed $15 per month
Returned Check Fee $18 per check
Transfer Fee $25
Lien Fee $50, plus collection charges

What is the best way to contact the City of Lakewood about my bill?

Please send an email to In the subject line, please include your address, not your question.


Once I contact the city, how soon will I get a response?

You can expect a response within 48 hours. Please only submit one email per week and do not duplicate by calling the billing office as well.


If I have other questions, where can I get more information?

Please visit