Planning Fees

Note: Acres are calculated to the nearest 1/10 acre.




$73 per acre of private property

$0 per acre of public right-of-way
Rezoning / Initial Zoning $1,250 per acre for first 5 acres PLUS
$300 per each additional acre above 5

$1,250 minimum to $12,500 maximum
Written Zoning Verification $50 per parcel
Modification to ODP $675 Administrative review
$1,015 Planning Commission review
$1,350 City Council review
Phased Site Plan in Planned Developments $350 per acre

$350 minimum to $12,500 maximum
Special Use Permit $675 per application
Special Use Permit - Small Animal $75 per application
Site Plan $1,250 per acre, up to 5 acres PLUS
$400 per each additional acre > 5 acres and≤ 15 acres PLUS
$250 per each additional acre > 15 acres

$1,250 minimum to $12,500 maximum
 Enhanced Development Menu (EDM)

$250 per acre, up to 5 acres PLUS
$100 per each additional acre > 5 acres and≤ 15 acres PLUS
$50 per each additional acre > 15 acres

Applicable to new construction over 2,500 sf and major additions/remodels (over 20% existing gross floor area and over 2,500sf)

 Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Program $100 per application* - GHG Worksheet for Single-Family Detached and Duplex Uses (New construction only)*
$300 per application** - GHG Worksheet for all other uses (New construction and major additions/remodels over 20% existing gross floor area)

*GHG Worksheet and fee due at submittal of building permit
**GHG Worksheet and fee due at submittal of Major Site Plan, or Building Permit if MSP not required
 Comprehensive Waste Management Plans $200 per application* - Permits for demolition or construction associated with projects which also have to comply with the EDM

*Comp. Waste Mgmt. Plan and fee due at submittal of building permit
Appeal $300 appeal
Variance/Waiver $300 major variance/waiver
$150 minor variance/waiver
Preplanning Application $200 each
Preliminary Plat $675 per application PLUS

For Single Family Residential
$300 per lot or tract up to 5 lots or tracts PLUS
$250 per lot or tract, > 5 and≤ 15 lots or tracts PLUS
$200 per lot or tract > 15

For Multi-Family or Commercial
$300 per acre up to 5 acres PLUS
$250 per each additional acre
Final Plat $675 per application PLUS

For Single Family Residential
$300 per lot or tract up to 5 lots or tracts PLUS
$250 per lot or tract, > 5 and≤ 15 lots or tracts PLUS
$200 per lot or tract > 15

For Multi-Family or Commercial
$300 per acre up to 5 acres PLUS
$250 per each additional acre
Subdivision Appeal $540 appeals to Planning Commission / City Council
Lot Line Adjustment Plat $540 per lot or tract included
Major Error Correction Plat $540 per lot affected by major error correction
Vacation $675 per submittal
Non-Conforming Certificate Application $115 each
Change of Address Upon Request of Property Owner $115 per address changed
Historic Preservation Fees Landmark Designation, Individual Structure: $25
Landmark Designation, District: $50
Appeal of Denial of Designation: No Charge
Alteration Certificate: No Charge
Appeal of Denial of Alteration Certificate: No Charge
Relocation Application: No Charge
Comprehensive Sign Plan $450
Vesting Application $50
Small Animal Permit $15