Crime Free Multihousing


The Lakewood Police Department's Community Action Team has implemented the Crime-Free Multi-Housing Program. Its goal is to train apartment owners, managers and residents about what they can do now to solve the problem of illegal and nuisance activity on the property. 

Online Application 

Property managers can apply to the program using the form provided. Properties that were enrolled in the program prior to June 20, 2022, need to reapply as the program has changed. All applications are vetted and approved by the Lakewood Police Department. After the application is received, you will be contacted by a Police Department representative who will discuss the program and follow-up requirements with you. 

When criminals are allowed to operate from rental property, the complex and surrounding neighborhoods are greatly affected. Because the landlord depends upon the tenant for his livelihood, the tenant is placed in a strong position. By refusing to rent from landlords who close their eyes to illegal activity, the tenant sends a clear message that he will look further for a responsible landlord. Uncaring, irresponsible landlords will see their occupancy rates and profits decline.

Crime might not be entirely eliminated, but managers have found that tenants, their guests and others will not be tolerant of criminal behavior. As part of a designated crime-free property, property managers are required to complete background checks on potential tenants and use a crime-free lease addendum. A list of fully certified properties is available. 

What does this mean to residents?

  • A safer living environment is assured through a concentrated effort to reduce crime in each complex.
  • Management has implemented steps, such as background checks and a crime-free lease addendum, to ensure new residents meet stringent criteria. Criminals are not moving in.

How can residents help?

  • Report crimes and suspicious activity. The Police Department cannot help if it is unaware of problems.
  • Attempt to work with your neighbors regarding noise and common-area issues. If this cannot be accomplished, notify police for mediation assistance or enforcement.

Community Crime Map

Additional Crime Statistics Information
Lakewood Police Records 