Police Records


The Lakewood Police Records Division releases information to the public, courts, other police agencies and insurance companies. This includes police reports, traffic accident reports, photographs, and videos.

NOTE: Lakewood Police Records is open by appointment only, and citizens are encouraged to request records via the link below for more efficient processing. Reports are not available for release the same day. The Lakewood Police Department is allowed a reasonable amount of time to process records requests per the Colorado Criminal Justice Records Act. All fees are non-refundable. 

If your questions are not answered by information provided on our website, please call us at 303-987-7331. We answer our phones 7 days/week from 7:00 am - 6:00pm. We are closed on holidays. 

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 Availability of Police Records

If you are a defendant in an active criminal case your report must be obtained through either the Jefferson County District Attorney’s office or the City Attorney’s office.

Certain information contained in police records may not be available for public release, per Colorado statutes, including the following items:

  • At-risk adults.
  • Juveniles.
  • Sex assaults.
  • Child abuse.
  • Ongoing police investigations.

The Lakewood Police Department is allowed a reasonable amount of time to process your request per the Colorado Criminal Justice Act. 


Payment for photos, videos, and body worn camera footage must be received before we will begin processing your request. The time required to process these requests varies greatly depending on the number of photos, length of the video and/or BWC footage as well as the complexity of the video being processed. 


To request records from the Jefferson County Communication Center, please visit their website

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Police Records Fees

All payments are non-refundable. Please review the Police Records Fees before submitting your request. Please note, we will not begin processing your request until your form of payment has been received. 

Police Records Fees
   Written Reports  
Police Reports First Ten Pages  $8.00 

Additional Pages (Per Page) $0.25
Fax Transmittal of Report 15 Page Limit $2.00 per Report
Report Certification   $5.00 per document
Clearance Letter* Lakewood Police Contacts Only          $15.00
Computer Search System Analysts $35.00 per hour
  Crime Analysts  $45.00 per hour
   Digital Media
Body Worn Camera Footage** Half Hour $22.50 **(Minimum One-Hour fee)
  One Hour $45.00 **(Minimum One-Hour fee)
Traffic Camera Footage Booked into Property Unit $25.00
  Not booked in Property Unit, less than 30 days old $50.00 (includes research fee)
Photographs Digital Images $15.00
Mug Photographs Manual Mug Photo $5.50
  Electronic Mug Photo $3.25
Bond Processing Fee For all bonds processed at Lakewood PD $15.00 per bond
Police Manual on CD-ROM   $20.00 each
Sex Offender Registration         Initial Registration $75.00
  Annual/Quarterly Registration $25.00
Sex Offender Report   $6.00 each
Automatic Vehicle Locator (AVL) Charged at 30-minute intervals $45.00 per hour 
U-Visa Research Charged at 30-minute intervals $45.00 per hour









*State of Colorado police contacts may be ordered from the Colorado Bureau of Investigation.

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 Obtaining Impound (Tow) Release Paperwork

Lakewood Police impounds are handled by Ace Towing. Vehicle owners should respond to Ace Towing to pick up their vehicle.  To retrieve an impounded vehicle from the impound lot, you must provide the following documentation:

  • Proof of ownership (title or valid registration)
  • Photo identification
  • Proof of insurance for the vehicle (if available)

If there is no proof of insurance, the vehicle owner must work the with the impound lot and arrange to tow the vehicle away from the facility. 


Contact Ace Towing, during their hours of operation, for fee information:

Monday-Friday - 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Saturday - 8 a.m.-2 p.m.
Sunday - Closed

Ace Towing
30 S. Tejon St.
Denver, CO 80223 

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Cold Cases

Cold cases are handled by the Lakewood Police Department Persons Division. Detectives re-investigate unsolved homicides, sexual assaults and suspicious missing person cases to bring to justice the perpetrators of these crimes. Advances in forensic science and DNA analysis are valuable tools in case resolution, but cold cases remain the most challenging that investigators face. 

The Persons Division also works to provide answers and resolution to families of victims. Victim advocates provide case status information to families, work to ensure their constitutional due process, and extend access to a variety of victim services. 

The Lakewood Police Department seeks your help in providing information. Over time, witnesses may have changed their relationships with suspects. Sharing information with law enforcement is often the key to cold case resolution. See summaries of unsolved cold cases by visiting the Colorado Bureau of Investigations

If you have information about any of the listed unsolved murder and missing person cases, please contact the Cold Case Hotline at 303-987-7474.

Other Cold Case Resources