Project Timeline

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Scroll through the progression of North Dry Gulch improvements on this timeline.


1930s and 1940s

As the West Colfax Avenue corridor developed over time beginning in the 1930s and booming in the 1940s, the natural drainage channel was obliterated and replaced with paved streets, parking lots and other hard surfaces incapable of absorbing water and aggravating conveyance of runoff in a major storm event. A variety of smaller pipes were installed in places, some of which still exist.






Mile High Flood District (MHFD) and Lakewood published the Dry Gulch and Tributaries Flood Hazard Area Delineation (FHAD), which mapped the 100-year floodplain along North Dry Gulch. At the time, the only open channel segments remaining were between Wadsworth and Vance Street and a short stretch west of Lamar Street.






Lamar-Detention-Pond.pngLakewood acquired property between Newland and Lamar and constructed the Lamar Detention Pond to help reduce flooding downstream.








Lakewood completed construction of the Whitlock Recreation Center at the northwest corner of Colfax and Dover, reserving the southern end of the property for a future detention pond to help reduce flooding downstream. This detention pond will be included with the North Dry Gulch Improvements.






MHFD and Lakewood began a master planning effort for North Dry Gulch with a focus on carrying the full 100-year flow.







July 21, 2014

City Council study session discussion included stormwater needs in the city with an introduction to the North Dry Gulch drainageway.







February 23, 2016


Area business owners and residents provided input on the drainageway plan at a public meeting.






2016 - 2019


Lakewood project engineers held individual meetings with owners whose properties would most likely be affected by the North Dry Gulch Improvements. Results of the meetings helped refine the master plan and led to the development of the conceptual plans.






April 16, 2018


City Council study session included presentation of North Dry Gulch improvement alternatives between a hybrid (open channel and pipe) and pipe only.






October 7, 2019


City Council discussed the project during study session and reached consensus to pursue the pipe only alternative.






February 2020


The completed North Dry Gulch Major Drainageway Plan was adopted by the Mile High Flood District, which provides funding to support the project.







May 2020


After conducting a consultant selection process, Lakewood and Mile High Flood District selected Muller Engineering Company to provide preliminary and final design services for the North Dry Gulch Improvements.





Fall 2020


Work to begin on designing an underground, closed conduit drainage system.







March 6, 2023

Project updates provided to Lakewood City Council during study session.







January 2024

Storm sewer construction expected to begin along West 14th Avenue between Vance and Lamar streets.

In coordination with other efforts along 14th:


Spring 2024

Construction scheduled to begin on drainage system between the Lamar Detention Pond and the intersection of Colfax Avenue and Pierce Street, in coordination with the West Colfax Safety Project.







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