Mountair Park

Moutair Park Sign Img

Located in the historic Mountair neighborhood, this park brings together the old and the new.

Mountair Park is home to traditional park features including a playground, a dog park, sport court and shelter. Innovative updates in Mountair Park include the 40 West ArtLine, a free 4-mile walking and biking outdoor gallery experience in northeast Lakewood and park sculptures. Way-finding along the green painted ArtLine provides easy access to West Colfax Avenue and the 40 West Art District. 

Mountair Community Farm

Mountair Park is also home to Mountair Park Community Farm, an urban farming partnership that began in 2014 between the City of Lakewood and non-profit Sprout City Farms, bringing together community and providing access to food shares and a local food stand in the Mountair neighborhood. The farm is located on 1.5 acres in the southern portion of the park near 13th Avenue and Depew Street. Sprout City Farm will remain an important fixture in the park in 2024, but will be suspending production on the site until the 2025 growing season to make necessary farm improvements and build new community partnerships. For more information and to support farm production in Lakewood, visit the Sprout City Farms webpage. 

Mountair Dog Park

Due to popular demand, the City has added a dog park installation at Mountair Park in 2024 to serve the growing neighborhood and to repurpose the unused ballfield space and fencing. Dog parks were one of the top amenities requested by the Lakewood community through resident surveys and community outreach during the 2022 Imagine Tomorrow! Master Plan process. 


Permanent bathrooms at Mountair Park are closed. Port-o-lets are available. 


5620 W. 14th Ave., Lakewood, CO 80214  View Map

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